Superintendent announces district classes will open Sept. 8 with 100% distance learning
Superintendent Michael Hinojosa decided today, after consulting with his senior leadership team and the Dallas County Health and Human Services staff, that the district will open with 100% distance learning when school starts Sept. 8 and will continue with distance learning through at least Oct. 6. In addition, all extracurricular activities will remain in a distance setting, including strength and conditioning, band and drill team, all UIL and visual and performing arts activities.
The superintendent is expected to make a public announcement of the decision at a late afternoon news conference today.
At this time, to meet the needs of the district and ensure schools are ready to receive students, the reentry process for staff will be differentiated based on district and department needs.
All classroom teachers will notify their campus principal by Aug. 25 if they will participate in distance learning from the campus or deliver instruction virtually from home.
On Sept. 17, all classroom teachers will report in person to their respective schools to prepare to continue teaching classes via distance learning unless they have an approved AWA, ADA accommodation, or benefits leave, and as allowed by the Dallas County Health and Human Services Department, to get acclimated to procedures and prepare for instruction.
Non-teacher campus-based staff
Contract start dates for campus staff who work more than 185 days will remain as stated in the 2020-2021 start and end dates document shared earlier this summer. Emergency pay and essential pay ceased for this employee group on July 21.
Other non-teacher campus employees (workdays 185, 187, 191, 193, 195) should report to the worksite based on the revised 2020-21 start and end dates. Emergency and essential pay will cease for this employee group starting on the established start date for their position.
All other extended contract/early reports campus-based staff will report to the work site based on the revised 2020-21 start and end date work calendar.
Central Staff Employees
Central staff whose duties cannot be performed virtually returned to work on-site starting Aug. 3 to help prepare district facilities for the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. These groups include the Police and Security Department, Maintenance and Facility Services and some employees in Information technology, Food and Child Nutrition Services, and Transportation.
All 185-day Student Transportation and Food and Child Nutrition Services employees will work on site starting Aug. 28, 2020. While districtwide distance learning is in effect and bus services are not needed, staff will report to their work site as usual and be assigned to perform other duties to support the needs of the district.
These 185-day bi-weekly employees will continue to be able to opt-in to work up to 10 days through Aug. 27 in miscellaneous support, including installing signage, organization of PPE, and assistance with shipments of materials to campuses.
The reentry process for other central staff will vary due to building capacity/structural elements, greater difficulty in social distancing, high elevator dependency for mobility, limited stair wells, wide use of common spaces for large numbers of employees, and high dependency/density of cubicles in office spaces.
All staff who can complete all work required for their position remotely may, with supervisor’s written approval, continue working remotely through Oct. 6, 2020. Any staff who cannot complete all work duties remotely will be required to report to work on an A day-B day type schedule depending on department needs and supervisor guidance.
All central staff will return to the work site on Oct. 7. Anyone who cannot report to the work site on their designated date can request an Alternate Work Arrangement with their supervisor, request an ADA Accommodation or file for a benefit leave as applicable through those established processes. Extended Emergency pay for all employees in this group will cease on Oct. 4.
For questions related to what may qualify for an AWA, accommodation or an approved leave, contact the Benefits department at benefits@dallasisd.org, visit www.dallasisd.org/benefits, or reference the AWA Request Form Guidance Document.
For more details about the reentry dates, please download this document.