Tracing contacts for safety
As part of its efforts to provide a safe and secure environment, Dallas ISD has implemented contact tracing procedures, which are part of a public health process used to halt the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19. Health Services in collaboration with Operation Services and Human Capital Management will be conducting contact tracing throughout the district.
Contact tracing procedures
The contact tracing process is initiated when the district is notified that an employee has received a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis.
The first step is to let the district know of a suspected or confirmed diagnosis by filling out the appropriate form or contacting a supervisor who will then contact Health Services to trigger the contact tracing.
Health Services will then contact the employee to provide information on isolation requirements, return to work protocols and resources. They will also begin the process of determining who at work came in contact with the person who has been diagnosed. Once this information is gathered, Health Services will then contact the employees who may have been exposed and provide information on quarantine requirements and return to work protocols.
Exposure generally involves having had close contact within the workplace two days before symptoms began or two days before a positive test results. Within 24 of receiving notice, Operation Services will provide an intensive cleaning with an industrialized germ spray for exposed areas by completing the following:
Confidentiality is key
Contact tracing is a private process. As part of local, state and federal laws, an employee’s personal information may not be released to the public or shared. Employees are prohibited from disclosing confidential information about other employees.
Notification will be provided when the purpose of the notice is to control spread of the infection and protect those who have been potentially exposed.
For more information about contact tracing and other safety precautions implemented by Dallas ISD as employees transition to working in district facilities, visit www.dallasisd.og/educationevolution and click on Central Staff Re-entry Playbook.