Dallas ISD initiative aims to engage, encourage, empower students
The African American Success Initiative (AASI) has a student advocacy component that focuses attention on students who have the potential to perform well and make academic and social strides given the right support and nurturing.
The program provides a student advocate coordinator who creates and monitors educational plans, improves educational services, empowers and supports students, and builds a supportive network in the school. AASI has identified these best strategies and targeted initiatives to increase achievement at 25 campuses this school year:
- A literacy initiative that includes a structured literacy program, reading intervention and targeted professional development;
- A mentoring program that provides additional resources and support for students, including mentors, tutoring and peer support networks;
- Community and business partnerships;
- Professional development;
- Debate, chess club and mindfulness yoga.
AASI was originally established in 2006 to adapt the gaps that group had compared to other demographic groups on standardized math tests. After a brief hiatus, the program was re-established in 2015 by Dallas ISD Trustee Dr. Lew Blackburn.
“AASI strives to educate all students for success through customized, innovative programming and curriculum support for students,” said AASI Director Regina Rice. “We’re excited by what’s going with student participants and teachers.”
ASSI has evolved to assist students in reading and math and is overseen by Dallas ISD Chief of Staff Pam Lear as one of Superintendent Michael Hinojosa’s strategic initiatives.
Learn more: www.dallasisd.org/aasi.