Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Profile: William Song

One of the aspects of Korean culture that William Song, a Korean language teacher at Irma Lerma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School, deeply cherishes is the concept of ‘‘ (pronounced as “jung”). According to Song, it’s a nuanced idea that doesn’t have a direct translation in English, but it has meaning for him as a teacher.

“Think about the relationship between the Little Prince and the Fox from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s ‘Little Prince.’ That’s sort of like what ‘‘ is all about,” Song said. “It’s about forming deep connections, bonds, and affection with others over time, and I believe it’s really important to focus on building those kinds of strong relationships,  which is something I strive to cultivate while working in the district.” 

Song, who has been working for the district for three years, grew up in South Korea before his family immigrated to Canada when he was 16. At Rangel, Song has established a rapport with his students and is making an impact. 


What drew you to the field of education?

I initially planned to pursue a career in the field of science, but during my senior year in college, I realized that it was too theoretical and lacked practicality, which didn’t resonate with me. This led me to explore teaching, a profession I found to be incredibly rewarding. Additionally, my mother, who was a high school teacher in South Korea, played a significant role in encouraging me to pursue a career in education.  


What accomplishments are you proudest of?

As a high school Korean language teacher, I find great satisfaction in witnessing my students master the language, excel in classroom projects, and grow in confidence in their speaking abilities. Moreover, I take pride in cultivating a supportive and inclusive classroom atmosphere where every student feels esteemed and motivated to fulfill their academic potential. 


What helps you persevere during hard moments?

In difficult moments of teaching, I find strength in God’s word and my belief in my students’ potential for growth. The support of my colleagues, the resilience of my students… provide me with the motivation to persevere.


What is a favorite memory at Dallas ISD?

One of my cherished memories at Dallas ISD, particularly at Irma Rangel where I’ve been teaching for the past three years, is the opportunity to immerse myself in the vibrant Hispanic culture. Despite being new to the district and experiencing various challenges, I’ve found joy in sharing diverse foods and cultural traditions with my students. It’s moments like these, where we exchange our authentic dishes and learn from each other, that truly make teaching here special for me.


 In your time in the district, what change has impacted you the most?

Throughout my time in the district, the most significant impact on me has been the continuous adjustment to the evolving educational system. With each passing semester, I find myself immersed in the process of learning and adapting to new methodologies and practices, which has been both challenging and enriching.





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