Thank your assistant principal
Assistant Principals are campus leaders who support their principals, teachers, community and other team members to make sure the day-to-day operations are carried out successfully and efficiently.
Dallas ISD will celebrate National Assistant Principals Week April 8-12 by bringing awareness and celebrating these unsung heroes in our schools.
“As the second in command, assistant principals play a crucial role in the success of our schools,” said Nancy A. Bernadino, Associate Superintendent. “In Dallas ISD, our assistant principals work closely with students, teachers, and families to improve academic outcomes, strengthen social-emotional learning, and create a positive climate and culture for all. We are grateful to have leaders committed to excellence and equity for all children.”
Here are a few tips from the National Association of Secondary Principals to thank and celebrate your AP:
- Students, team members, and community members can write a thank you note with specific examples on how their AP made an impact.
- Read testimonies from students, parents, and teachers during school announcements.
- Send them an e-card to let them know they are appreciated.
- Art, music, and theater classes (specials) can do a small group project to honor your AP.
- Share the activities your school is doing to celebrate your assistant principal via social media.