Core 4 knowledge trainings offered
Dallas ISD departments and schools wanting to expand their knowledge on the Core 4 culture tenets—focused, fast, flexible, and friendly—have the opportunity to request a Core 4 training.
You may have team members who are new to the district, or perhaps your team needs a refresher on Core 4 to keep the momentum going. There are a variety of Core 4 trainings offered, which vary in length. They are:
- a one-hour overview of Core 4
- a deep-dive into Core 4 (2-hour workshop)
- a series of four 30-minute Core 4 training sessions
- a mini Core 4 overview (30-minute session)
In preparation for the training, the facilitator will coordinate a meeting with the person requesting the training to ensure the training fits your department’s needs and expectations. Trainings are offered in-person, virtually, or a hybrid of both. We’re here for you to support your Core 4 goals.
Core 4 trainings are taking place right now. Don’t forget to reserve yours. To request training for your department or campus, fill out this form. For more resources and more detailed information about Core 4, visit the main website at https://www.dallasisd.org/core4.