Proposed budget includes raises
If approved by the Board of Trustees in June, Dallas ISD’s proposed budget for the 2023-2024 school year includes a 2% raise for exempt campus and central team members, increases in select tiers for the Teacher and Assistant Principal Excellence Initiatives, and an increase to $16 an hour for the district’s minimum wage.
The proposed increases in salaries for all team members amount to $47.4 million in the 2023-2024 budget and focus on the district’s compensation priorities: market competitive salaries, advancing equity, strategic compensation and high priority and retention stipends.
The proposed budget also sets the minimum teacher salary at $61,000 and has adjustments to the new hire schedule for teachers to match market rates. Returning teachers will receive a projected average teacher salary increase of approximately $2,200 or 3.3%, based on the greater of three increases:
- Change to effectiveness level
- Change to compensation level value
- Board approved differentiated salary increase
Proposed 2023-2024 TEI Compensation Levels
High priority campus stipends
A proposed $4.1 million will fund an expansion of eligibility for high priority campuses as well as an increase in stipend amounts for other levels. Teachers in the Proficient I effectiveness level will now be able to receive a $4,000 stipend for working in a high priority campus. Proficient II or TIA Recognized teachers would see a $2,000 increase in the stipend they receive for working at an HPC.
Increases for Excellence Initiatives
The proposed budget also includes increases for other employees who are evaluated through an excellence initiative—assistant principals, principals, executive directors.
Minimum wage and other central increases
The proposed increase to $16 per hour in the minimum wage places Dallas ISD as a regional leader in minimum wage among area school districts and primarily impacts support and operations team members.
Non Excellence Initiative employees will see the greater of two increases:
- Minimum wage adjustment to $16 per hour
- 3% of the midpoint for support (non-exempt) employees and 2% of midpoint for professional (exempt) employees
Non Excellence Initiative campus and central team members will see their increase starting in September if they were hired before Dec. 31, 2022.
Retention incentive
The district has established another round of retention incentives for the 2023-2024 school year using $63 million in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds. Employees who are not on an excellence initiative or who have no level in an excellence initiative will receive a $2,500 incentive to come back next year while those in excellence initiatives will receive amounts depending on their level ranging from $2,500-$4,000. To be able to receive the incentive, employees should have been working in Dallas ISD no later than May 1, 2023. All eligible employees with at least five years of service with Dallas ISD as of Sept. 1, 2023, will get an additional $1,000. For more details on the 2023-2024 retention incentive, click on the link.