Dallas ISD implements retention incentive for 2023-2024
Twice already this year, Dallas ISD team members who were eligible for the 2022-2023 retention incentive have seen extra compensation in their paychecks—in September and December. Those eligible team members are due a third and final payment in May.
Dallas ISD will use up to $67 million in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds for an additional Dallas ISD retention incentive of up to $5,000 for eligible employees who return for the 2023-2024 school year. The incentive is to recognize service and encourage the retention of highly qualified Dallas ISD team members.
“We value our team members and want to reward them for staying with the district and for the work they do every day on behalf of our students,” said Robert Abel, chief of Human Capital Management. “We know that supporting our students and seeing them grow and succeed is the main reason most of us stay in this profession, but we hope that with this additional incentive, we will welcome a vast majority of our current Dallas ISD team back for the 2023-2024 school year as well as demonstrate the district’s appreciation for all of our employees’ hard work and dedication to Dallas ISD.”
One difference from this year’s incentive is that those eligible employees who—as of Sept. 1, 2023—have completed at least five years of service in the district will receive an additional $1,000.
Eligible team members who are part of an excellence initiative—teachers, assistant principals, principals, and school leadership executive directors—will still receive differentiated amounts depending on their level. The amount for those rated exemplary and master has increased by $500 over last year’s retention incentive, which means they will receive up to $4,000.
Eligible team members who are not part of an excellence initiative—including but not limited to teacher assistants, bus drivers, Food and Child Nutrition Services employees, custodians, counselors, and those in central administration—who return for the 2023-2024 school year will receive an Incentive of $2,500 (excluding Unsatisfactory Effectiveness Level and chief level positions).
Like this year’s retention incentive, the amounts will be paid out in three installments—September, December and May. The included chart shows the differentiated amounts and the installments.