The United Negro College Fund Workplace Campaign is underway
Make a difference in a student’s life. The window to donate to the United Negro College Fund Workforce Campaign will be open until Friday, April 14. Each year, the UNFC, the nation’s largest minority education organization, raises funds through this campaign for students to attend college.
Dallas ISD team members have the option to give a one-time donation or choose a monthly payroll deduction on Oracle under Employee Self-Service. You can also donate at http://give.uncf.org/dallasisd, where all the campaign materials and documents, donation instructions, and scholarship information can be found.
The scholarships are awarded to eligible seniors, regardless of race or ethnicity, who attend Dallas ISD and who plan to attend a historically black college or university, or any other four-year accredited U.S. college or university in the Fall of 2023.
Last year, the UNFC Workforce Campaign raised $19,347 in donations from Dallas ISD team members, and five students received a $2,500 scholarship. This year’s goal is to raise $50,000. According to Crystal Alexander, Dallas ISD’s UNCF representative, this can be achieved if every department or campus raises at least $209.
For more information, contact Crystal Alexander at crwoods@dallasisd.org or Cortney Lewis-Smith, the local UNCF representative at Cortney.Lewis@uncf.org.