Celebrate innovation
Dallas ISD will celebrate and showcase the hard work of teachers, assistant principals and central staff who have been reimagining what the next generation of teaching, learning and leadership could look like in the district at the Seventh Annual Innovation Showcase on Feb. 28.
The Innovation Showcase is an in-person celebration designed to recognize Dallas ISD’s Innovation in Teaching, School Retool and iDesign Central Fellows for the 2022-2023 school year. The event will take place at Emmett J. Conrad High School from 5:15 to 7 p.m. and will elevate the voices of the fellows through three panels and a release of a virtual exhibition for attendees to explore their design projects over the year.
See all the fellowship members recognized here, and register for the event at www.thepltoolbox.com/showcase. If you have any questions, reach out personalizedlearning@dallasisd.org.