Emergency Paid Sick Leave ends Jan. 5
Dallas ISD implemented numerous strategies to support employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. One such strategy was the conversion of the federally-legislated Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which provided paid leave for those suffering from COVID, to a local leave administered by the Benefits Department in December of 2020. Dallas ISD was the only district in the state to convert the FFCRA leave to a local leave to continue to support employees.
Through the course of the pandemic, the district aligned its response strategies and timelines to the CDC and Dallas County. These strategies included the mask mandate, social distancing, and periods of time in which an employee may quarantine or be eligible for Emergency Paid Sick Leave.
While EPSL was an absolute necessity during the pandemic, as of Aug. 19, President Joe Biden declared the COVID pandemic over. Furthermore, Dallas ISD positive cases are in line with what is being reported for Dallas County. Cases peaked the week of Sept. 8 with a combined total of 121 cases and have been on the decline since.
The COVID-related EPSL will end as of Jan. 5, 2023. With 84% of district personnel vaccinated, and the readily available booster vaccines, COVID-19 should be treated as an annualized, seasonal illness similar to the flu. For illness for any reason, employees may use PTO as needed or avail themselves of other resources available through the Benefits Department such as FML or general medical leaves of absence.