Moving to Schoology
Dallas ISD has switched its learning management system to Schoology, which is now available to all teachers. The district has been in the process of transitioning from PowerSchool Learning to Schoology since January because the original learning management system was being discontinued. All curricular content—including individual lesson plans—has been migrated to Schoology.
However, official gradebooks and attendance will remain in PowerSchool. Teachers will continue to use PowerTeacher Pro to record grades and attendance for the 2022-2023 school year.
All of the existing district curriculum and resources were automatically moved to Schoology before June 7. Individual teacher content was also migrated to their respective district Schoology accounts. While teachers will be able to access PowerSchool Learning until Sept. 23, you are asked not to upload any new material there as it will not be transferred to the new Schoology site. Teachers who uploaded material after June 6 to PowerSchool Learning will need to replicate it in Schoology.
Moving Newly Added PowerSchool Learning Content to Schoology
Click on “Learn More” to view directions on how to migrate your PowerSchool content into Schoology. Remember, your PowerSchool Learning content was already moved to Schoology before June 7, so this would only need to be completed for content added after June 6.
Upcoming Notifications
Note that upcoming notices regarding the following topics will be updated on the Schoology PDL Homepage and the Dallas ISD Curriculum Connection Webpage.
Look for your first opportunity to interact with Schoology in the Back to School Professional Development catalog.