Dress for summer
Starting on May 31 and through Sept. 2, the district will have its summer dress code so employees can be comfortable as they perform their normal work duties while still portraying a professional image to students, parents, and community members.
Standards for daily attire remain at the discretion of the supervisor; however, casual does not mean unkempt. The casual dress code does not allow for inappropriate apparel. [See DH(LOCAL) and DH (REGULATION)]
- Casual includes clothing that is comfortable and neatly put together while communicating professionalism.
- Casual may differ based on the various business needs of the department. Consult with your department supervisor to determine appropriate attire for your job.
- Certain events on the district’s calendar may require employees in a specific department or location to wear business attire instead of the casual look.
- Take your workday schedule into account when considering your attire for the day. If you have a meeting scheduled with the public or vendors, you may need to wear business attire.
- Supervisors will have the discretion to make exceptions to appropriateness of attire as it relates to culture, religious beliefs, vocational courses, physical education, maintenance, medical necessities, events, and spirit days.
- Employees required to wear district-issued uniforms are expected to wear the assigned uniform.
Acceptable Attire
- Clothing should be clean, pressed and wrinkle-free, without holes or frayed areas.
- All attire should fit appropriately (not excessively tight or loose).
- Footwear—Loafers, boots, flats, sandals, and leather deck shoes are acceptable.
- Slacks—Nice pants or cotton slacks.
- Shirts—Blouses, casual shirts, and golf shirts are acceptable.
- Dresses or skirts–Casual dresses and skirts appropriate for an office environment are acceptable.
Unacceptable Attire
- Form-fitting, snug, sagging, or transparent clothing.
- Excessively worn, faded, or tight clothing.
- Clothing with holes or frayed areas.
- Revealing or provocative attire.
- Necklines that expose cleavage.
- Dresses and skirts shorter than three inches above the bend of the knee.
- Jeans, sweatpants, shorts, bib overalls, leggings, spandex, and Lycra.
- Tank tops, T-shirts, and shirts with messages/graphics.
- Athletic wear and beach wear.
- Footwear—Slippers, flip-flops, athletic, house, and sneaker-style shoes.
- Hats are not to be worn inside, unless used as protective wear appropriate for one’s job function.