Staff input needed for superintendent search
The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees is in the initial phase of conducting a national search for a superintendent to lead the district once Superintendent Michael Hinojosa retires and is seeking input from all stakeholders. To better inform the search, trustees have hired a firm to collect the input from diverse groups, including teachers and support staff.
Teachers and support staff have always been at the core of the successful operation of the district from the frontlines. In addition to providing input through the survey available at www.dallasisd.org/superintendentsearch, teachers will be able to share what they believe are the qualities for a successful Dallas ISD superintendent in three online webinars taking place April 12-14. The input collected during these sessions will be shared with the board prior to their review of the applications. Registration is required and all sessions will take place at 7 p.m. on the following dates:
Teacher sessions • All sessions start at 7 p.m.
April 12
April 13
April 14
Support staff sessions
April 11 • 6 p.m.
April 18 • 10 a.m.
April 21 • 5 p.m.