Exploring careers during Black History Month
As part of the district’s Black History Month celebrations, the Racial Equity Office has been hosting virtual career webinars each Wednesday of February, from noon to 12:30 p.m. on Zoom. The last virtual webinar will take place Feb. 23.
The panels have focused on career pathways that are lacking representation from Black professionals, such as healthcare, law, architecture and technology, which will take place Feb. 23. During the final 10 minutes of each webinar, there will be a question-and-answer session with the speakers, and live participants will have the opportunity to win prizes.
Through the webinars, students have been in direct contact with career professionals and practitioners, which encouraged career exploration. By connecting exciting career options to learning, classwork will become more valuable to the students, reinforcing the idea that school is a path to something that can be fun and rewarding.
The webinar is open to all Dallas ISD students and teachers after registering on Zoom https://dallasisd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ocbYFbsPQ5CjYe_Wdo5eVA.