Virtual learning opportunity
Next fall, Dallas ISD will launch iLearn Virtual School, a standalone virtual school offering anytime, self-paced instruction for students in grades three through nine and ultimately grades kindergarten through 12th grade.
The school will be led by Monica Morris, a 17-year veteran Dallas ISD educator, who began as a math teacher at W.W. Samuell High School before serving as both an assistant principal and associate principal at Woodrow Wilson High School and the Townview Magnet Center. Most recently, she has been a part of the School Leadership team as a network coordinator for the magnet cluster, transformation and innovation cluster, and the single-gender cluster.
“I am humbled and honored to be named the principal of iLearn Virtual School,” Morris said. “I have learned from many great principals and leaders along the way and am looking forward to using that knowledge to lead iLearn Virtual School in a way that is as exciting and innovative as the world around us.”
Students at the virtual school will have access to all the resources afforded to traditional in-person students, including a full menu of virtual courses. Fully credentialed teachers will direct the students, who will have access to an innovative online learning platform configured for ease of use. Seats are available for grades three through nine for the 2022-2023 school year. To apply, use the district’s one-stop online application: www.dallasisd.org/choosedallasisd.
“Dallas ISD is excited to launch our first ever 100% full-time virtual campus,” said Angie Gaylord, deputy chief of the Office of Transformation. “This new boutique standalone choice option maximizes student learning in a 24/7 on-demand virtual environment.”