Know how to dispose of documents
Employees are reminded that the destruction of district records is the sole responsibility of the Districtwide Records Management Department. Documents containing personally identifiable information (Social Security number, date of birth, home address, etc.) must be securely destroyed.
District employees are expected to maintain the records in their care and carry out the preservation, microfilming, destruction, or other disposition of the records in accordance with the policies and procedures of the district’s records management program. Destruction of district records contrary to the governing legal provisions is a Class A misdemeanor and, under certain circumstances, a third degree felony (Penal Code, Section 37.10). Anyone destroying local government records without legal authorization may also be subject to criminal penalties and fines under the Texas Public Information Act (Government Code, Chapter 552).
For information, about records storage, training, and records center tours, contact the Districtwide Records Management Department at (972) 925-7840, e-mailĀ districtwiderecords@dallasisd.org.