October Board Briefing
During its regular monthly briefing, the Board of Trustees will consider several items and reports from district departments, including the superintendent’s report that will provide the following updates:
- ESSER—Group 1A Activities
- Afterschool Expansion
- Racial Equity—Programmatic Equity
- District of Innovation (DOI)
- UT Southwestern Project
The board will also consider several other items, including proposed changes to various board policies and approval of an interlocal agreement with the University of North Texas to offer a master’s degree in autism intervention and a graduate academic certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis.
Briefings are scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m. and are broadcast online through a link available on www.dallasisd.org once the meeting starts. To see a copy of the agenda and presentations associated with this meeting’s reports, visit https://go.boarddocs.com/tx/disd/Board.nsf/vpublic?open and click on the Oct. 14 briefing to access the agenda.
The Board of Trustees will also hold a called board meeting at 2 p.m. to discuss:
- Presentation of Initial Redistricting Maps and Community Feedback
- Discussion of Initial Maps and Community Feedback
- Discussion of Timeline & Next Steps, Including Community Meetings and Tele-town halls