Dallas ISD is going pink for breast cancer awareness

Dallas ISD is going pink for the entire month of October in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Several activities and opportunities to learn more about breast cancer, early detection, and treatments are planned throughout the month.

You can show your support for breast cancer survivors and their families by wearing pink one day the week of Oct. 11-15. And if you choose to wear pink, you can also wear jeans! A department or campus can pick one day to Pink Out or let individual employees choose their day, keeping in mind meetings and activities that might require more professional attire.

In keeping with COVID safety protocols, the Benefits Department will be distributing pink masks to central and campus staff. District employees to add a Breast Cancer Awareness pink ribbon graphic to their signature line for the month of October.

One in eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime and about 2,100 men are diagnosed every year. If you are a survivor or someone in your family is a survivor, share your story by emailing staffnews@dallasisd.org using the subject Dallas ISD Goes Pink. Submissions will be shared throughout the month.

For more information and resources about the district’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month efforts and resources visit www.dallasisd.org/breastcancerawareness.


Breast Cancer Awareness Tip


Will eating vegetables and fruits lower the risk of cancer?

Some recent studies suggest that a higher intake of fruits vegetables may have a helpful effect on the recurrence of breast cancer. Because other studies have shown a correlation between increased risk of breast cancer and higher index of body fat, increasing the number of fruits and vegetables in your diet is always a good idea. Fruits and vegetables are not only great sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber that nourish the body, they are also helpful aides in weight control because they are filling without adding a lot of calories to a meal. Make sure you add at least one fruit and vegetable to each meal and try to make your choices colorful to get the widest range of nutritional benefits.

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