Transforming Tuesdays
Central Staff leaders, the HCM Central Staff Leadership Development team encourages you to transform your leadership by learning and practicing key skills during October and November with a series of engaging sessions. All sessions are aligned to one of the four performance evaluation domains in the CMS and CSEI systems. Sign up in Cornerstone for any of our upcoming live facilitated online learning sessions that take place select Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m.
Mindset in the Workplace – Oct. 5 or 12
Providing Actionable Feedback – Oct.19 or 26
Multiple Generations at Work – Nov. 2 or 9
The 5 Languages of Workplace Appreciation – Nov. 16
While the content is tailored to leaders, anyone can participate. Registration for each session closes the day prior to the session, and those registered will receive a link to join the session. You can attend one or all the sessions.