Complete Annual Policy Acknowledgement and Compliance Training
In compliance with state and federal laws, Dallas ISD requires that all employees complete the policy acknowledgement and compliance training at the beginning of every school year. This year, the training must be completed by Monday, Nov. 1.
Annual Policy Acknowledgement
Using their email address and password, employees will log into the policy acknowledgement website at http://PolicyAcknowledgement.dallasisd.org to acknowledge the Employee Handbook, Annual Employee Notification of District Policies, Family Relationship Disclosure, and Confidentiality Requirements.
Compliance Training (Cornerstone)
The compliance training is available in Cornerstone at https://dallasisd.csod.com and includes the following: Child Abuse, Code of Ethics, Copyright Law, Dress Code, Safety Protocols, FERPA, Sexual Harassment, and Workplace Bullying. Training for campus staff will also include Anaphylaxis, Bloodborne Pathogens, Bullying, and Section 504. All sections must be completed to receive credit for the training.
Employees will log into Cornerstone using their email address and password and look for the compliance training assignment in the “Training in Progress” or the “Your Assigned Training” box located on the “Welcome” page. If the assignment is not listed, employees can hover over the “Learning” tab and select “View Your Transcript” to access the training. For assistance with technical issues in Cornerstone, go to the Live User Support tab to access the live support team.
For additional questions or assistance, please contact Policy and Compliance at HCMcompliance@dallasisd.org.