Truancy warnings
Sometimes, illness or other obligation lead to a student absence; however, multiple unexcused absences can lead to truancy and to students missing out on their learning. In an effort to curtail absenteeism, this week, Dallas ISD began sending parents truancy warnings.
Parents are expected to make sure their students are going to school, request meetings with school officials to talk about the absences, provide accurate contact information and submit an excuse note for all unexcused absences. The note, signed by the parent/guardian, should explain the reason for the absence. And be submitted within three days of the student’s return to class. If a student or parent fails to submit a note, the absence will be considered unexcused.
Unexcused absences are what triggers the warning letters regarding violation of truancy laws and can lead to truancy court proceedings with Dallas County. School districts are required to notify parents when their students have three days or parts of days of unexcused absences within a period of four weeks.