Go electronic with new forms
Effective Nov. 1 Non-Exempt and Exempt Attendance Report forms and Payroll Correction and Supplemental Correction forms will be available electronically through Laserfiche, replacing the paper forms.
Timekeepers will continue to make entries to the employees’ timecards for absences and adjustments prior to the payroll bulletin deadlines; however, all payroll correction forms must be completed and approved using the Laserfiche submission process. Departments and campuses have the option to continue using a paper form for non-exempt and exempt attendance reports or start using the electronic form, but all employees must use the same type of form. If a department or school chooses to use the electronic non-exempt or exempt attendance report forms, all employees must then use the Laserfiche submission process for consistency.
The electronic forms can be found on the Payroll Services website under the Forms option starting Nov. 1. You will need to sign in using your EAD username and password to gain access to the form, which will be routed automatically to the designated supervisor for approval.