Safety first: Cleaning and disinfecting procedures
Dallas ISD will enhance daily cleaning of all facilities, with special attention to specific high touchpoint areas such as door handles, knobs, and buttons. Daily cleaning will utilize the safest and most effective products approved by the Center for Disease Control and the EPA and complies with CDC guidelines.
The district will continue to utilize the CDC guidelines and recommendations to ensure we implement the safest and most current practices for the cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting our school campuses.
Electrostatic Disinfection
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the district will apply electrostatic disinfectant on a weekly basis. The product is a safe, environmentally friendly and a powerful disinfection product. The product systematically removes and destroys dangerous microorganisms in the environment and because surfaces are treated with a protective polymer that inhibits growth of microorganisms for a period of time after application. The product is registered with the EPA and approved for contact services.
During the weekly spraying of facilities and buses, classroom teachers may leave out any items they want disinfected to include face shields, computer keyboards, math manipulatives, books, etc. This safe application will reduce reduce the possibility for transmission of germs through those items.
The campus custodians will also receive professional development on the deep cleaning of a facility or a specific site within a facility. Should a confirmed case of COVID-19 be identified on a specific campus, the Environmental Health and Safety Department will be notified and additional measures will be taken if necessary.
Disinfectant Wipes and Sprays
While disinfectant wipes do not interfere with the effectiveness of the weekly electrostatic disinfection, they are recommended for use with spills and accidents. Each classroom has received CDC approved disinfectant wipes and disinfectant spray to be used by the teacher. No one under the age of 18 is allowed to handle disinfectant wipes and sprays.