New schools proposed in Bond 2020
More than $1.9 billion in the proposed bond 2020 package is dedicated to renovating aging facilities and addressing infrastructure and architecture improvements. More than $1.1 billion is allocated for new and replacement campuses.
According to district leadership, these allocations should bring schools up to a level that will provide modern and functional spaces for Dallas ISD students.
Based on board recommendations, the Citizens Bond Steering Committee—made up of more than 100 community volunteers and district staff—updated the this spring plan to designate $537 million to replace 14 aging schools.
As part of long-range plan to enhance educational opportunities, the Bond 2020 proposal also includes more than $607 million for 10 new facilities, including:
- a pre-K-12 campus downtown and another in midtown
- a pre-K-eight STEM campus in the medical district
- a pre-K-eight Montessori school in Pleasant Grove
- a transformation school
- a districtwide performing arts center
- four career institutes
For more information about the 2020 Bond proposal, visit www.dallasisd.org/bond2020.