District goes casual with summer dress code
Due to the re-entry process and working both remotely and on-site, this year the district will implement a summer casual dress code. One of the changes in casual attire for this summer is that employees are allowed to wear jeans and sneakers as long as they meet dress code standards.
The goal is for all employees to continue to present a professional image to students, parents, and community members while also being comfortable as they perform their normal work duties. However, during specific occasions and for formal meetings, employees will be expected to abandon the casual look in favor of business attire. Standards for daily attire are still at the discretion of the supervisor. The dress code guidelines apply whether the interaction takes place in person or in a virtual setting.
Employees should choose clothing that is comfortable and neatly put together that communicates professionalism. Casual may differ based on the various business needs of the department, so consult with your department supervisor to determine appropriate attire for your job. All clothing should be clean, pressed and wrinkle-free, without holes or frayed areas.
Unacceptable attire includes slippers and flip flops, sweatpants, shorts, bib overalls, leggings, spandex, Lycra, tank tops and shirts with inappropriate messages/graphics.
For additional details about the district’s appropriate and inappropriate summer casual attire, download the memo.