Stay in touch with your benefits during spring break
While the district may be closed, if you need assistance with your benefits, a number of resources are available.
District schools and administrative offices will be closed for spring break from Monday, March 16, through Friday, Mar 20, but the benefits call center will be open regular hours during that time to provide assistance. The call center’s hours March 16-20 will be 7:30 a.m. through 5 p.m.
For those non-emergency health concerns such as cold and flu, TRS-ActiveCare participants can utilize Teladoc at a reduced cost. Call 855-Teladoc (835-2362) or visit its main page.
If you have questions regarding your FSA, you can contact Connect Your Care at (877) 528-9876 or visit www.connectyourcare.com. Connect Your Care is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
You may reach the benefits call center at (972) 925-4000 or email benefits@dallasisd.org. For questions regarding leaves of absence, email benefitsleaves@dallasisd.org. During the periods in which the district is closed, the email boxes will be monitored periodically to ensure any critical issues are resolved in a timely manner.