What are you doing about your heart?
Dallas ISD staff are working to stay heart healthy, and they shared some of what they are doing through last week’s poll in The Beat.
“Stairmaster! And lots of pacing around my classroom.”
Eating right and joining a gym were also popular responses. Others included meditation, prayer and keeping a positive attitude to keep their hearts healthy.
Others have made big life changes.
“I’m trying my best to have a better heart’” one staff member shared. “I have completely changed my lifestyle by forming better and healthier eating habits; being more active!”
Another quit smoking and now tires to “get in 5-10 miles of brisk walking weekly. I eat lots of vegetables, fruit and small amounts of meat (try to avoid dairy and sugar. Try.”
Keeping track of blood pressure levels is also a healthy heart habit.
According to studies from the National Institutes of Health, about one in three adults in the United States has high blood pressure, but many don’t realize it. Great news: high blood pressure is preventable and treatable. Early diagnosis and simple, healthy lifestyle changes can make a difference.
Blood pressure is affected by time of day, exercise, the foods you eat, stress, and other factors, so it can vary. But most current guidelines, according to the NIH, recommend aiming for a systolic pressure below 140.
If you are wondering about your blood pressure, the Benefits and Health Services departments have teamed up to offer blood pressure screenings from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 27, in the lobby of the Linus D. Wright Dallas ISD Administration Building.