Teacher learning opportunities this Saturday
In preparation for STAAR/EOC testing season, Dallas ISD’s Social Studies Department is offering a social studies “STAAR STRETCH” Conference to support teachers as they get ready for the state assessments.
Concurrent sessions for eight-grade and U.S. history teachers offered from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22, at Hector P. Garcia Middle School. The sessions will be facilitated by LRE (Law Related Education) and s3strategies. For additional information, contact Shalon Bond at (972) 925-8007 or shagibbs@dallasisd.org.
To register in Cornerstone for these sessions, go to Spring Conference – Grade 8 and Spring Conference – U.S. History.
The State Fair of Texas in partnership with Big Thought is offering a free workshop for teachers who want to learn a new curriculum honoring the legacy of Dallas civil rights leader Juanita Craft.
Teachers who attend the workshop from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 22, at the South Dallas Cultural Center will receive access to the curriculum and additional resources for teaching about the civil rights movement in Dallas. They will also learn about renovations at the Juanita Craft House and plans for its future as an educational resource. For information and to reserve a seat, email community@bigtex.com.