Give volunteers a hand
Volunteers and partners enrich the educational experience of students in schools throughout the district. April—National Volunteer Appreciation Month—is a great time to celebrate and thank them.
The district will recognize the many partners and volunteers who provide support and services to our schools, teachers and students District Volunteer and Partners Awards Program at the end of April.
Awards will be given in the following categories:
- Volunteer of the Year for Student Support
- Volunteer of the Year for Classroom Support
- Volunteer of the Year for School Support
- Outstanding Business Partner
- Outstanding Non-Profit Partner
- Outstanding Faith Based Partner
- Outstanding P-TECH Industry Partner (Collegiate Academies Only)
But we need your input. The deadline to submit all nominations is Monday, March 2.
Nominations forms are available in a fillable pdf and Microsoft Word format which can be accessed at Volunteer and Partner Nominations Forms. Go to the file named VPS Nomination Forms and click on the triangle. Attached is a listing of criteria for each award to assist in completing the nomination.
Additional information if available from Partnership and Volunteer Services at (972) 925-5440, volunteer@dallasisd.org or partners@dallasisd.org.