W2s available next week
All employees who have set up their preferences to receive their W2 form online will have access to it starting Jan. 20, 2020.
The form can be accessed:
- Inside the Network at Oracle Self-Service, choosing Payroll Information and Employee W2, or
- Dallas ISD Main Page, choosing Staff and Oracle Login. Once logged in, go to Employee Self-Service, choose Payroll Information and Employee W2, or
- Outside the network, going to the Dallas Portal https://disdportal.dallasisd.org, go to Apps Logon Links into Oracle, go to Employee Self-Service, Payroll Information and Employee W2.
If you have any problems, please send an email to notifypayroll@dallasisd.org with your ID number, name and the issue or question you might have and you will be assisted promptly.
For employees that are not set up to view the form online, the forms are being mailed to the employee’s address in Oracle and should be received by Jan. 31, 2020.