Celebrate winner of Munch Madness on April 8

Luis Rosado, a manager with Procurement Services, was a Sweet 16, Elite 8 and Final Four winner in the Munch Madness bracket. Will he be the Munch Madness winner on Monday, April 8?
Find out by joining the Core 4 Team at 2 p.m. in Suite 910 of the Linus D. Wright Dallas ISD Administration Building to close out Munch Madness, share more tasty treats and announce the champion, who will receive a $25 gift card. The winners of the Munch Madness stages correctly guessed and ranked the caloric content of several elite desserts. Munch Madness is a fundraiser by the district’s Core 4 Team on behalf of the United Negro College Fund. Contributions made during the Munch Madness events benefit the scholarship fund, and money raised by Dallas ISD will go to graduating seniors from district schools.