Information for staff regarding board action on TASB salary study
Trustees have approved the recommendations of a salary study conducted by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) calling for mid-year salary increases for many employees in Food & Child Nutrition Services, Police & Security, Maintenance & Facilities Services, Construction Services and Transportation Services. This approval will result in pay scale changes and compensation increases for 61 percent of employees in those departments effective March 1, 2019.
The following information answers questions employees may have about the board action.
What was the purpose of the study?
The TASB review compared the pay and the pay scale for various Dallas ISD Operations jobs to the average pay for similar positions in the Dallas labor market. Comparisons were based on jobs requiring similar skills, qualifications, and responsibilities and included both school districts and other Dallas employers.
What were the review’s findings?
Entry level pay for a number of Operations positions was identified as a challenge in the recruitment and retention of staff. Many of the hard to fill positions were found to be in grounds, custodial and food services. The study also verified that compensation in many job categories is reflective of the market and appropriate. Another recommendation was to adjust pay scales for certain job categories.
What action did the board take to address these concerns?
- Raise the minimum wage for all employees to $12 per hour.
- Add adjustments for experienced employees in the bottom half of the pay range (i.e., those below market pay).
- Reset pay ranges to match market pay scales.
- Adjust the pay for other groups of employees during the regular budget cycle.
- Create a new pay structure for Construction Services.
What will these changes cost the district?
Based on the Board’s action approximately, 1,900, or 61 percent of employees in Police & Security, Maintenance, Food Services, Custodial Services, Construction Services, and Transportation Services will receive immediate salary increases ranging from 9.6 percent to 15 percent. The price tag for the raises for the remainder of the fiscal year is approximately $1.6 million, which will be covered with funds from the district’s general operating budget and special revenue funds.
Are there plans to review the salaries of other employees?
A second TASB study is currently underway to review the salaries of all other employees. The findings are expected to be presented to the board in April, and any recommendations for salary adjustments will be considered as part of the district’s 2019-2020 budget deliberations.
If you have questions regarding the study or how it may impact you, please contact notifycomp@dallasisd.org.