Required compliance training must be completed by Oct. 31
Dallas ISD employees are critical to promoting a safe and healthy environment for students. Compliance training ensures all staff are prepared and knowledgeable of Board policies, federal and state mandates as well as health and safety practices. ALL central staff personnel must complete the following online training at Dallas ISD eLearning site or Region 10.
The following compliance videos can be accessed at www.region10.org:
- FERPA/Copyright Laws
- Sexual Harassment
- TX Educators’ Code of Ethics
The following compliance video can be accessed at http://tiny.cc/recognizeandreport:
- *Child Abuse: Recognizing and Reporting
*NOTE: Dallas ISD will not use Region 10’s Child Abuse Training for compliance purposes. The Child Abuse Training is being offered through Dallas ISD’s Elearning site. Staff members should login using their EAD credentials (username and password).
After the successful completion of each training module, print out the certificate and retain a copy for your records.
The deadline to complete the Compliance Videos is Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding compliance training, please contact Jennell Johnson at 972-925-3379 or jenjohnson@dallasisd.org.