Incoming freshmen to CityLab High School enjoyed an inside look into the campus at a recent special orientation where they learned about what will make the school special.
CityLab will be the newest Dallas ISD Transformation School when it opens its doors for 100 new freshman students in August. It will utilize a school-wide urban planning, architecture, and community development framework, making its downtown location (912 S. Ervay Street) the ideal site for its inventive academic offerings.

Teachers at the new CityLab High School.
The school will provide a transformative educational experience where learning extends beyond the classroom walls into the streets where students live, work, and play. Students will be prepared to become the next generation of design professionals and civic leaders, equipped with an appreciation and holistic understanding of the urban environment. Programs of study will include architecture, environmental science, and urban and regional planning, leading to one or more endorsements in Business and Industry, Public Services, or Multidisciplinary Studies.
Like other district Transformation Schools, CityLab will be open to all incoming ninth-grade students regardless of academic ability. Enrollment will be based on socioeconomic status, following the successful model piloted by Solar Preparatory School for Girls. CityLab High School was identified through the district’s annual Public School Choice competitive proposal process that was open to educators nationwide.
There are still opportunities available at CityLab for interested students. To learn more or enroll a student in CityLab high School, contact the Office of Transformation and Innovation at 972-925-3306 or
With the addition of CityLab, the district will have 18 Choice Schools as part of its Public School Choice initiative: five other Transformation Schools (Solar Prep, Mata ES, Hulcy STEAM MS, IDEA HS, Ignite MS opening in August 2018) and 12 Innovation Schools (Cabell ES, De Zavala ES *Innovation Pilot*, Botello ES, Rogers ES, Weiss ES, Preston Hollow ES, Kramer ES, Lee ES, Lipscomb ES, Marsh MS, Franklin MS, and Bryan Adams HS).